Thursday, August 27, 2009

~ I'm Back ~

I was bad all last week and did nothing. Not all my choice, life was pretty busy. But this week got two full work outs tonnes of walking. Eating pretty well... so an improvement from last week.

Did the arms and I can't move my arms and shoulders.


Keep at it girls!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

*i just had to share*

Workouts are going great. I'm on day 8. I have found the most amazing thing - P90Xcel Worksheets!!!!!! (This is as close to a direct link as I could get. Click on P90Xcel. Then save to your computer. In the setup tab, enter the program you are doing, you weight, gender, blah blah blah, and it automatically adjusts the worksheet for you. I enter in all my stuff as I work out. I even keep track of how many ab ripper x exercises I do. Woot Woot!! SO EXCITED.

Oh, and I did Chest & Back today and made HUGE improvements from last week. Pushups aren't so hard after all - except for decline pushups which I still CAN NOT do.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

week 3 week next

So I ma done the first 3 weeks and now I am on to the rest recovery week. Although not so much of a rest for me as I have yoga twice this week. Wish it was Kenpo X as I have discovered that Kenpo IS by far my favourite workout, followed by Core synergistics and cardio and the weight. I could do with out the yoga, but alas I have signed up for the whole kit and caboodle so I will bare the yoga.

How has your week going?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

*second time around not so bad*

plyo for the second time was a lot easier than the first. woot woot. it's fun.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

*day 2*

ok seriously - what is wrong with me.
i'm on day 2 for the second time. plyo - OUCH. my 2 year old is sick. she was up all night. so we slept until 12:30pm today. i planned to workout then, but she lay comatose on my lap for another hour then we had to go pick up the other little's from daycare.
so now its 2:30pm and i haven't worked out yet and it's only day 2. HELP ME.
sorry, don't mean to bring everyone down but i'm lacking motivation with my crazy life.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 3 here we come

So I started week 3 today, doing the Lean program I start out with Core Synergistics. It is a fun routine and hard on the core, and has a ton of push up..I can't do push up or couldn't do any of the ones they do in this routine. However, today I was able to do 20 of the staggered arm, stacked legs, also tried the spynx and prison cell push ups did the easier versions of those, but I still did them. however the plank to chataranga run...not even a chance in you know where.
Feeling strong and motivated as I feel as if I am too far along to quit now. However I am looking forward to the sort of rest week of week 4.
Keep goiing girls I look forward to the before and after pics.

*week 1 a bust, week 2 here we go*

i started out week one strong. i was excited and pumped up. chest and back was first. i can't do decline pushups. i can hardly do pushups. oh boy. ab ripper x HELLO!!!! what happened to my abs. oh yeh 3 kids in less than 2.5 years. i miss my abs. i will see them again. plyo - HAHAHA oh my goodness - fun - hard - sore *ouch*. i could barely move for the next two days. i made it from monday to friday then life got crazy and i couldn't juggle the kids and my lack of motivation for doing yoga x.

so today is a fresh start. chest and back again today and i feel more confident with pushups. still can't do decline, but everything else went well. ab ripper x wasn't so hard. i almost kept up.

i'm going to need a lot of pep talks to keep me going. i AM going to do this. i WILL do this. and i'm so excited that my friends are doing it too. good luck ladies!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

2 weeks almost done....bring it on

I used to like yoga, but after 2 yoga X workouts I must say that I hate the first 45 mins of this workout. But there is a huge difference in my body type and how I feel about myself. I no longer feel like the fat sister in my family that is a good thing.

~ First Week ~

I started strong...a little against my will...but was convinced to get going and try it out. One thing leads to another, and I've missed a couple days. Still, 1/2 inch lost on my waist. Been watching what I eat, and portions.

Next week...all out!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Killer legs

My legs were shaking after the legs and back today. I am still finding the Ab Ripper difficult, but hopefully for not too much longer. It really is upsetting me as I used to be able to do those excersices and now?..well not so much. So we will just have to see what happenes.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

~ Day 2 - Cardio ~

Just shoot me now...I don't need to be all toned and hot. I've decided it's way over rated.

2 Days down - 88 to go.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Needed....Ab strength

I knew that my abs took a beating from the 3 c-sections that I had but I really didn't know how bad they really were until the ab ripper routine today. I made it thru the shoulders, bis and tris with no problem, then I took on the ab ripper x routine. Exercises that once were easy for me are now pretty much a no go.

But I will tell you one thing, I already have noticed a difference in how I feel and how my jeans are fitting. I was going to add running into the mix, but after the first 3 days I don't think that it will be necesary for what I am looking for, but who knows..maybe after the first month I will need to add running to my routine.

~ Ready, Set....Die ~

Did the first work out of P90X last night. Have done a couple in the past, but not consistently. Started on the Lean. Cause quite frankly, it's they say. That guy though, he's way too happy...and excited about odd named excercises.

But I did it. Was extra hurty being that I'm still sore from Wakeboarding this past weekend. That burns calories doesn't it?

1 Day down....89 to go!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Start of a brand new focus

So here it is I have started the grueling program called P90X. I am now 88 days away from a new and hopefully tonned physic. I have muscles that haven't hurt in a long time that have now come to the surface to scream H-E-L-L-O remember me.

It's been a long time since I have sweat like this and hurt like this. I am looking forward to the strength and endurance that will soon follow.

I will be posting before pictures soon and then when the program is done I will post the after picture and I hope that after will show all the hard work that I have put into this new change.